Virtual Conversational Characters:
Applications, Methods, and Research Challenges
29th November, 2002
Melbourne, Australia

in conjunction with
HF2002 and OZCHI2002

9:00 - 9:10Introduction to the Workshop
9:10 - 9:30Demonstrations and Discussions
Spikey BoySimon Beard
Mentor SystemAndrew Marriott
acmparkeAndrea ???
9:30 - 10:45Paper session 1 on Representation Languages Coordinator: Andrew Marriott
1Representing Agent Behaviors
2Two Approaches to Scripting Character Animation
3APML, a Mark-up Language for Believable Behavior Generation
10:45 - 11:05Morning Tea/Coffee Break
11:05 - 12:30 Paper Session 2 on XXX Coordinator: Andrew Marriott
4Towards experimental specification and evaluation of lifelike multimodal behavior
5A platform for Embodied Conversational Agents based on Distributed Logic Programming
6VHML- Uncertainties and Problems... A discussion.
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch Break
13:30 - 14:45 Paper session 3 on XXX. Coordinator : Thomas Rist
7Multi-modal Translation and Evaluation of Lip-syncronization using Noise Added Voice
8The Relationship between Visual Abstraction and the Effectiveness of a Pedagogical Character-agent
9Expressive Agents: Non-verbal Communication in Collaborative Virtual Environments
14:45 - 15:05 Afternoon Tea/Coffee Break.
15:05 - 17:15 Paper session 4 on Evaluation Coordinator : Thomas Rist
10Different ways of ending human-machine dialogues
11Different ways of ending human-machine dialogues
12Different ways of ending human-machine dialogues
13Evaluating TTS Voices for Animated Pedagogical Characters
14Evaluating TTS Voices for Animated Pedagogical Characters
17:15 Wrap up discussion from Workshop Organisers.

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